I had planned on taking pictures today since it was so beautiful and sunny outside, but my plans got put on the back burner. Our day started off with my 4 year old's first visit to the dentist! He did wonderful and got an excellent exam so that went well for us. We (hubby, 8 yr. old son, 4 yr. old son and I) went to lunch together at a local restaurant and had a good lunch. The boys and I went to the library to return books and movies and let my oldest read two more of the required books for second grade. I then got the notion to go ahead and try to finish uniform shopping for my youngest. He needed more shorts for school. So, we head to the mall (35 minutes away) to the try to find some. Long story short....after going in and out of 5 different stores, none of which had his size, we stop at one more outside the mall. No luck there either! So, after 6 tries, I have reached a frustration level of 10! We stop for a quick ice cream (and Diet Coke for me) snack to refull before going home. On the way home, I decided to try one more store. I didn't want to have wasted a whole afternoon shopping for something and come home with absolutely nothing! We get there, park, unload, and in my attempt to get the ice cream cups out of the car to throw away - I LOCK my keys in the car! I have to call OnStar to unlock the car...thank goodness for OnStar! We finally make it into the store and look around for 5 minutes before I finally find the type of shorts he needs and see they only have 2 pair left in his size! We try them on just to make sure they fit and head to the register. Oh wait...he has to go to the bathroom now, so we make a quick stop (at least they had one in the store). Whew...now he has a pair of shorts for each day of the week in case I get behind on laundry (like I normally do). Okay...it's now 4:30pm and we head back home and make a quick stop at McDonald's for supper since my hubby has card night tonight. After supper, I gave the boys a bath, checked email, paid bills, and am now writing this blog! So, no pictures were taken today, but there is still hope for tomorrow!